Cooking and baking with
Nice that you have found your way to our pizza oven magazine. Here we would like to collect interesting content for you on the topics of pizza oven and pizza baking. Browse through our recipes for different types of ovens like dome ovens, stone ovens or gas pizza ovens. In addition, we give you insights into exciting oven projects of our customers.
Ratgeber 09-30-2024
Lievito Madre - Das Herzstück der italienischen Backkunst
Was steckt hinter dem Lievito Madre? Etwa ein italienischer Sauerteig?
Rezepte 09-25-2024
Zwiebelkuchen und Federweiser
Den Herbst mit einem traditionellen Gericht genießen...
Ratgeber 09-24-2024
Poolish – Der Geheimtipp für luftigen Pizzateig
Herkunft, Anwendung und Anleitung
Ratgeber 09-23-2024
Die Wissenschaft hinter der perfekten Pizza
Wie Temperatur, Materialien und Bauweise des Ofens den Geschmack beeinflussen
Rezepte 09-13-2024
Panuozzi mit Burrata & Kirschtomaten
Ein Hauch von Italien aus deinem Pizzaofen...
Backtradition: Italienischer Kuppelofen oder Backhaus
Die Kunst des Brot- und Pizzabackens blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück, und je nach Region haben sich unterschiedliche Ofentechniken und Befeuerungsarten entwickelt...
Rezepte 08-30-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Neapels Küche
Köstlichkeiten aus Neapel: Typische Gerichte und Rezepte der neapolitanischen Küche.
Rezepte 08-20-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Sizilianische Küche
Erleben Sie hier kulinarische Schätze Siziliens.
Aktuelle Events 08-16-2024
Landpartie im Schloss Büdingen
Besuchen sie uns vom 29. August – 01. September 2024 auf der Landpartie im Schloss Büdingen bei unserer Pizzaofen- und Brotbackofen-Ausstellung mit Verkostung.
Rezepte 08-10-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Sardische Küche
Die sardische Küche ist einfach und reich an Aromen. Typische Gerichte und Rezepte.
Rezepte 07-30-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Klassiker der römischen Küche
Typische Gerichte der römischen Küche und ihre Rezepte.
Rezepte 07-20-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Süditalien
Urlaub für zu Hause: Regionale Spezialitäten aus Süditalien mit Rezepten.
Rezepte 07-10-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Mittelitalien
Spezialitäten und Rezepte aus der Toskana, Umbrien, Latium
Rezepte 06-30-2024
Kulinarische Streifzüge durch Italien: Norditalien
Regionale Spezialitäten und Rezepte aus der Lombardei, dem Piemont, Veneto und Ligurien.
Rezepte 06-20-2024
Pizzateig: Wie beeinflusst der Eiweißanteil im Mehl die fertig gebackene Pizza?
Der Zusammenhang von Eiweißanteil im Mehl, Dauer der Teigführung und Backergebnis. beim Pizza Backen
Ratgeber 06-11-2024
Ein unschlagbares Qualitätsmerkmal: Made in Italy
Über die Vorteile von in Italien hergestellten Pizzaöfen.
Pizzaofen Bausatz oder Selbstbau - die Unterschiede
Es gibt günstige und teure Pizzaofen Bausätze und Steine zum Selbstbau. Wir erklären, wo die Unterschiede liegen.
Aktuelle Events 05-23-2024
Italian Show München: Tradition trifft Innovation
Erleben Sie gastronomische Produkte der Spitzenklasse auf The Italian Show in München am 10. Juni.
Aktuelle Events 05-17-2024
Besuchen Sie uns beim Gartenfest Wilhelmsbad
Pizzaofen- und Brotbackofen-Ausstellung mit Verkostung.
Ratgeber 05-07-2024
Brot mit Sauerteig selbst backen - so geht's.
Stelle eigenen Sauerteig her und backe Sauerteigbrot. Außerdem: neuer Sauerteigkurs bei uns.
Rezepte 04-26-2024
Pastateig in der Miss Baker
Experiment: Kann die Miss Baker auch guten Nudelteig kneten?
Ratgeber 03-26-2024
Backhäuser für die Outdoorküche
Die Kunst der Original Italienischen Backhäuser mit Indirekter Befeuerung: Eine Ode an die Outdoorküche
Ratgeber 02-26-2024
Länderspezifische Mehltypen im Vergleich
Lest hier, wie sich die Mehltypen in Deutschland, Italien und Frankreich unterscheiden.
Ratgeber 01-23-2024
Kreativer Genuss: Fleischfüllung für Ravioli mit dem Taucharmkneter
Taucharmkneter können viel mehr als Pizza- und Brotteige. Sie sind Mutlitalente.
Brot backen 01-09-2024
Die Magie des No-Knead-Teigs
Müheloses Brotbacken für jedermann mit No-Knead-Teigen.
Ratgeber 01-04-2024
Forni Valoriani Pizzaofen Bausatz: Ein Hauch von Italien zuhause
DIY Holzbackofen Bausatz aus Italien, dem Land der Leidenschaft, des Genusses und der kulinarischen Meisterwerke.
Ratgeber 12-27-2023
Frische Pasta im Handumdrehen: Nudelteige mit dem Taucharmkneter
Ein Bermardi Taucharmkneter kann viel mehr als Pizzateig und Brotteig. Heute machen wir Nudelteig.
Ratgeber 12-20-2023
Vielseitig und Effizient: Die zauberhafte Welt des Taucharmknetens
Taucharmkneter – dieses vermeintlich spezialisierte Küchengerät hat weitaus mehr zu bieten, als nur Pizzateige und Kuchenteige zu vermengen.
Ratgeber 12-13-2023
Stollen kneten in der Miss Baker von Bernardi
Ihr wollt sehen, ob eine Bernardi mehr als Pizzateig kneten kann. Dann los...
Ratgeber 12-08-2023
Vitella Rundwirker: Der Test
Vitella in the test: How is the perfect pizza ball made? We show you.
Ratgeber 12-03-2023
Mozzarella, Fior di Latte und Büffelmozzarella im Vergleich
Ein Guide zum perfekten Pizzagenuss. Alles über Mozzarella und seine Geschwister.
Ratgeber 11-28-2023
Pizzateig: Alles was Du wissen musst
Hier beantworten wir Fragen rund um Pizzateig: Herstellung, Verarbeitung, Aufbewahrung.
Ratgeber 11-22-2023
Taucharmknettechnik: Die Kunst des Teigknetens
Warum Taucharmknetmaschinen die ultimativen Begleiter für Hobbybäcker sind
Ratgeber 11-11-2023
Der Flammkuchenofen - darauf kommt es an.
Was macht eigentlich einen Falmmkuchenofen aus? Wir klären auf.
Rezepte 11-06-2023
Rezept: Sonntagsbrötchen ganz easy
Wer gerne Vollkornmehle verwendet wird mit diesem Rezept leckere Sonntagsbrötchen backen.
Ratgeber 10-24-2023
Bernardi Chef: New dough mixer with 2 speeds
New in our range: Bernardi Chef dough machine with 2 speeds.
Ratgeber 10-19-2023
New: Sprila kneaders for gastronomy
New in the range: high-quality hospital kneaders from Effedue in many sizes.
Aktuelle Events 10-12-2023
Neu: Weihnachtsbackkurs mit Maike
Es ist soweit. Wir freuen uns, euch einen neuen Backkurs vorzustellen: Es wird weihnachtlich.
Ratgeber 09-21-2023
The perfect cheese selection for your pizza, part 1: International cheese specialities
A guide to delicious international pizzas thanks to different speciality cheeses.
Ratgeber 09-14-2023
Cheese selection for pizza Part 2: Italian cheeses
Tasty tips for irresistible enjoyment. Italian flavours on the pizza.
Ratgeber 09-07-2023
The perfect cheese choice for your pizza: Part 1
A guide to irresistible indulgence.
Ratgeber 08-25-2023
Little helpers for baking pizza at home
Here you can find out which little and big helpers you need to make pizza at home.
Kundenreferenzen 08-22-2023
Inspiration: Building a pizza oven kit on a patio
How do I assemble my pizza oven kit on the patio? Many customers ask this question. Here is an example.
Ratgeber 08-14-2023
Orientalische Backwaren aus dem Holzbackofen
In der orientalischen Küche gehört ein Holzbackofen zur Traditon. Wir stellen die Backwaren vor, die dort gebacken werden.
Ratgeber 08-07-2023
Pizza veredeln mit italienischen Wurstpezialitäten
Hier geht's um die Wurst. Leckere italienische Wurst für die Pizza. Eine Übersicht.
Ratgeber 07-31-2023
Isolationsmaterial für Pizzaöfen und Holzbacköfen
Das Wichtigste beim Bau eines Pizza-oder Holzbackofens ist auf gutes Isolationsmaterial zu achten. Hier nützliche Infos zum Isolationsmaterial.
Ratgeber 07-24-2023
Backofen im Garten: Holzbacköfen, Steinbacköfen und Outdoorküchen
Wir zeigen Holzbacköfen, Pizzaöfen und Steinbacköfen für Garten und Outdoorküche. Eine Übersicht.
Holzbackofen: Die Kunst des Befeuerung und Nachlegens
Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie ihren Holzbackofen befeuern und einen ganzen Abend kochen und Pizza backen können.
Ratgeber 07-12-2023
Welche Rolle spielt die Raumtemperatur für den Brotteig?
Für das Brotbacken und damit für Hefeteige ist die Raumtemperatur entscheidend. Wir erklären.
Ratgeber 07-04-2023
Steinbackofen für die perfekte Outdoorküche zum Selbstbau
Erste Tipps für den Bau eines Steinbackofens für die Outdoorküche.
Videos und Bauanleitungen zum Bau von Holzbacköfen im Garten und Outdoorküche für Pizza und Brot
Willkommen zur Linkliste mit Videos zum Thema "Bau eines Holzbackofens"!
Ratgeber 06-18-2023
Pizzastein vs. Pizzastahl: Ein Vergleich für den perfekten Pizzagenuss
Pizzastein vs. Pizzastahl: ein Vergleich
Ratgeber 06-15-2023
Lahmacun vs. Pizza: Ein Vergleich zweier kulinarischer Köstlichkeiten
Lahmacun und Pizza, zwei Spezialitäten und ihre Eigenschaften: ein Vergleich.
Ratgeber 06-12-2023
Pinsa vs. Pizza: Ein Vergleich zweier italienischer Köstlichkeiten
Pinsa und Pizza, wo liegen die Unterschiede und was sind Gemeinsamkeiten?
Ratgeber 06-07-2023
Wood fired pizza oven vs gas fired pizza oven: a comparison
Decision support: Find out here which advantages wood-fired and gas-fired pizza ovens have.
Brot backen 06-06-2023
Baking bread: What is stick proofing?
If you've always wondered what the stock rye is in bread baking, then you've come to the right place! In this blog article, you'll learn all about the leavening process and why it's so important for perfect bread.
The Italian Show with Izzo Forni
Meet us on June 6th in Cologne at The Italian Show of ITKAM and get to know the ovens of Izzo Forni.
Brot backen 05-12-2023
Baking bread: What are the types of flour?
If you want to bake bread, it is important to know what types of flour there are and which is best for which bread. There are a variety of flours that can be used for different types of bread.
Ratgeber 05-11-2023
New: Bread baking course
You want to bake bread? Get information and motivation in our bread baking course with Maike.
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Baking bread: What is a poolish?
Have you ever heard of a poolish? It is a type of pre-dough that is used when baking bread. In this article we will look at what a poolish is, how to make it and how to use it when baking bread.
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Baking bread: Which is better - yeast or sourdough?
Do you bake bread yourself? Do not know whether to use yeast or sourdough? In our blog article you will learn which baking method is better to bake delicious bread.
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Warum ist das Kneten des Teiges so wichtig?
Hast du schon mal versucht, Brot zu backen? Wenn ja, hast du sicherlich gemerkt, dass das Kneten des Teiges ein wichtiger Schritt ist, um ein gutes Ergebnis zu erzielen. Aber warum ist das Kneten des Teiges so wichtig?
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Warum ist Ruhezeit wichtig für den Brotteig?
Backen Sie Ihr eigenes Brot zu Hause? Wenn ja, wissen Sie vielleicht, dass die Ruhezeit für den Brotteig eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Aber wussten Sie, warum? In diesem Blog-Artikel erfahren Sie, warum die Ruhezeit für den Brotteig so wichtig ist .
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Was bedeutet die Typenbezeichnung bei Mehlen?
Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, was die Typenbezeichnung bei Mehlen bedeutet? In diesem Blog-Artikel erfährst du alles über die Typenbezeichnungen.
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Was ist ein Biga?
Hast du dich schon immer gefragt, was ein Biga ist und wie man es verwendet, um Brot zu backen? In diesem Blog-Artikel erfährst du alles, was du über Biga wissen musst und wie es dein Backerlebnis verbessern kann!
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Welche Getreidearten verwendet man zum Brotbacken?
Backen Sie Ihr eigenes Brot? Dann wissen Sie vielleicht schon, dass es eine Vielzahl von Getreidearten gibt, die man zum Brotbacken verwenden kann. Aber wussten Sie, dass man auch andere Getreidearten als Weizenmehl verwenden kann?
Brot backen 05-09-2023
Brot backen: Wie entsteht die perfekte Krume und Kruste?
Backen Sie Ihr eigenes Brot und erleben Sie den Unterschied zwischen einem gekauften und einem selbstgebackenen Brot. In diesem Blog-Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie die perfekte Krume und Kruste erhalten.
Ratgeber 05-08-2023
Glossary: Bread baking
Helpful glossary of terms around the topic of bread baking.
Ratgeber 05-05-2023
Immersion arm mixers - the advantages
Immersion arm mixers offer many advantages, also for home use.
Ratgeber 05-02-2023
Different kneading techniques of dough machines
Find out here which kneading techniques are available for dough machines.
Rezepte 04-16-2023
Pizza-Trends: eine Übersicht
Es gibt viele verschiedene Pizzarezepte, die derzeit im Trend liegen. Ein Überblick.
Ratgeber 04-13-2023
Vorteige für den Pizzateig
Für eine besondere Note im Pizzateig: verschiedene Vorteige.
Ratgeber 04-11-2023
Beschwaden von Brot im Holzbackofen
Was ihr zum Beschwaden von Brot wissen solltet.
Ratgeber 04-05-2023
Pizzaöfen in der Outdoorküche
Lesen Sie hier Infos zu Pizzaöfen in der Outdoorküche...
Ratgeber 03-30-2023
The secret of Pinsa
Pinsa is right on trend. But what is so special about Pinsa? With recipe collection.
Rezepte 03-26-2023
Recipe: Pizza with green pesto
Recipe: Pizza with green pesto Green pizza with pesto instead of tomato sauce.
Ratgeber 03-23-2023
Overview: Gluten-free flours for baking
Here's an overview of gluten-free baking and gluten-free flours.
Ratgeber 03-14-2023
Brot backen für Einsteiger
Wir verraten euch einfache Tricks mit denen ihr auch als Einsteiger Brot im Holzofen backen könnt.
Ratgeber 03-05-2023
Tipps für Pizza aus dem Holzbackofen
Tipps für perfekte Pizza aus dem Holzbackofen.
Ratgeber 03-03-2023
Was kann ich in einem Holzbackofen kochen?
Pizza, Pasta und viel mehr. Backen im Holzbackofen einfach erklärt.
Ratgeber 03-01-2023
Abenteuer Mietpizzaofen - ein Erlebnisbericht
Unsere Kollegin Leona beschreibt ihre Erfahrung mit unserem Mietofen Fontana Gusto.
Rezepte 02-14-2023
Special doughs #5: Pinsa
Pinsa, the Roman speciality, is crispy, soft, aromatic and digestible. We explain why this is so.
Ratgeber 02-03-2023
Pizza oven with gas burner: What you need to know
Gas burners are super practical. Here's what you need to know to bake delicious pizza.
Ratgeber 01-11-2023
Pizza course competition - The winners are determined!
In our December newsletter we raffled our online pizza course exclusively for our customers. The winners are fixed!
Rezepte 12-25-2022
Recipe: cookies like from grandma
What can't be missing at Christmas? Correct - freshly baked cookies like from grandma.
Ratgeber 12-19-2022
Pizza ovens for the start
Top pizza ovens for beginners at an absolute cracker price. Now new in our assortment. All info here...
Rezepte 12-15-2022
Recipe: Spelt flour cake with Cantiano sour cherry jam
A new recipe from Fontana for the Christmas season: spelt flour cake with Cantiano sour cherry jam.
Ratgeber 12-05-2022
A tip for going out in the Black Forest: Pizzeria Meckerlini
Every now and then we deliver great ovens to holiday regions and let you know here so that you don't have to miss out on good pizza anywhere.
Rezepte 11-29-2022
In the cold season: sweets from the Fontana bakery
Have you ever baked biscuits, waffles, sweets or cakes in your Fontana Backhaus? We have tips for an optimal baking day.
Ratgeber 11-21-2022
Attention baking clubs
A bakehouse in the village like in the old days. We show how this wish can be fulfilled for every association.
Ratgeber 11-07-2022
Cooking temperatures in the wood-burning oven
Would you like to use the energy in your wood-burning oven from 400 to 0 degrees? We show you how it works.
Ratgeber 11-02-2022
Professional dough kneading machines for bakers, bakeries and restaurants
Find the best dough machine for bar, café, restaurant, hotel or bakery.
Ratgeber 10-31-2022
Baking bread in a wood-fired oven
Self-sufficiency is the trend. Here are tips on baking bread in a wood-fired oven.
Rezepte 10-27-2022
Recipe: Cannelloni with ricotta and vegetables
We have a new recipe from Fontana for you: Cannelloni with ricotta and vegetables
Rezepte 10-13-2022
Recipe: Cantucci
We have a new recipe from Fontana for you: Cantucci with spelt flour.
Ratgeber 10-10-2022
Building a pizza oven kit: Avoid these mistakes
Do you want to assemble a pizza oven kit yourself? Read here which mistakes you should avoid.
Ratgeber 10-04-2022
Which pizza oven can I convert?
Rising energy prices are also driving the catering industry. But which pizza oven can you convert to save costs?
Ratgeber 09-19-2022
Cooking with wood: Outdoor ovens
Original, sustainable and very simple. Whether bread, stew or pizza, prepare your meals yourself.
Kundenreferenzen 09-13-2022
Pizza oven for Catering
Street party, wedding, birthday or other occasions. A mobile pizza oven is always an eye-catcher and conjures up delicious pizza, tarte flambée and flatbread.
Ratgeber 09-05-2022
The best pizza oven for the garden
Which is the best pizza oven for the garden? Tips and info here.
Rezepte 09-02-2022
Recipe and instructions for gluten-free pizza
Gluten-free pizza dough - with instructions on how to mix it yourself.
Rezepte 08-15-2022
Special doughs #4: Pimp your pizza dough
Are you a big pizza fan and want to experiment with your dough? We have three ideas.
Rezepte 08-08-2022
Special doughs #3: Pizza Napoletana
Today we have a world cultural heritage to try out: original Pizza Napoletana.
Rezepte 08-01-2022
Special doughs #2: Pizza with poolish
You want to give your pizza dough the final touch? In this series we collect ideas.
Rezepte 07-26-2022
Tips for vegan pizza
We love pizza, preferably the classic Italian recipes. But we've also put together a few tips for vegan pizza. Watch this!
Rezepte 07-18-2022
Special doughs #1: Pizza dough with biga
You want to give your pizza dough the finishing touch? In this series we collect ideas.
Rezepte 07-16-2022
Recipe: Pizza Classica
Looking for a classic and original Italian pizza dough recipe? This way.
Rezepte 07-15-2022
Recipe: Babka with raspberries
Today we have a great summer recipe from Bernardi for you. Buon Appetito!
Ratgeber 07-11-2022
Pizza ovens from Fontana - that's why they're so good!
What makes our Fontana pizza ovens the high-performance ovens our customers love them for?
Ratgeber 07-04-2022
Bernardi dough mixer: Finding the right speed
Which kneading speed for which dough? Tips from Bernardi.
Ratgeber 06-28-2022
Josper Grill Demo
Busy times in our show kitchen. Three professional chefs present gastronomic Josper grills.
Wir sehen uns auf der Spoga in Köln!
Treffen wir uns am Stand von Fontana Forni. Halle 07.1 Stand C028.
Ratgeber 06-02-2022
Back again! Josper Grill Demo
Finally back: Our Josper Grill Demo! New date on 28 June. Request participation now.
Rezepte 06-01-2022
Recipe: Pizza in Teglia
We are delighted to have a great recipe from Bernardi: Pizza in Teglia
Rezepte 05-30-2022
Recipe for bread and rolls with sourdough
Here we have a great recipe from our baking class with Hendrik for sourdough bread or rolls with detailed instructions.
Ratgeber 05-23-2022
Bernardi dough mixer vs. cheap competitor products
Do you want to know what distinguishes the Bernardi dough mixers from their cheap competitors? Click here.
Ratgeber 05-16-2022
Tips for perfect doughs from the Bernardi
Are you interested in a Bernardi dough mixer? Here are a few tips that are sure to improve your results.
Ratgeber 05-09-2022
Bernardi dough mixer in comparison
Which dough mixer for the home? A decision-making aid.
Ratgeber 05-02-2022
Mangiafouco - now even better!
Fontana has optimised this classic dome oven for even more performance.
Ratgeber 04-15-2022
Online pizza course starts in April
You want to bake pizza like a pro? We have the right course for you! All info here.
Ratgeber 04-04-2022
Sourdough workshop 21th may
Möchtest Du Sauerteigbrot backen und brauchst Know-How? Dann buche unseren Online-Sauerteig-Workshop.
Rezepte 03-31-2022
Recipe: Coniglio in Porchetta
Roasted rabbit - how about this dish for the upcoming Easter celebration?
Rezepte 03-17-2022
Recipe: Porchetta
Porchetta - the ultimate dish for special occasions and celebrations.
Rezepte 03-08-2022
#4 Rustic pancakes according to Kati Wilhelm
At this point I would like to draw your attention to a great recipe here: Rustic pancakes
Rezepte 03-04-2022
Recipe: Cannelloni di Ricotta e Verdura
Cannelloni with ricotta and vegetables. Not only looks good, but also tastes incredibly delicious.
Ratgeber 03-03-2022
Sourdough Workshop
Do you want to bake sourdough bread and need know-how? Then book our online sourdough workshop.
Rezepte 02-17-2022
Recipe: Crostata con Marmellata
Tartlet with marmellata. An incredibly delicious dessert from our Fontana Cookbook.
Ratgeber 02-07-2022
Valoriani Rotativo for gastronomy
Efficiency in the professional kitchen: the Valoriani Rotativo is a rotating pizza oven with many advantages in the hotel and catering industry.
Ratgeber 02-03-2022
New arrival: Fontana Maestro
Small but mighty! The Maestro reaches over 400 degrees and is mobile. The perfect oven for spontaneous people!
Rezepte 02-02-2022
Recipe: Lasagne alla Norcina (Salsiccia)
The somewhat different lasagna in original Italian style - a recipe from our Fontana Cookbook.
Rezepte 01-06-2022
Recipe: Focaccia Cipolla Bianca
Focaccia with white onions. An original Italian recipe from our Fontana Cookbook.
Rezepte 12-10-2021
Recipe: Cantuccini con Granella di Mandorle e Pistacchi
Cantuccini with almonds and pistachios for the pre-Christmas season!
Rezepte 12-07-2021
From the Christmas bakery: butter baked goods
Suitable for the Christmas season - we show you our delicious cookie recipe.
Rezepte 10-28-2021
Recipe: Patate al Rosmarino
Rosemary potatoes from the oven for the autumn season!
Ratgeber 10-26-2021
Biscotto vs. Fireclay
What is actually the difference between the original Biscotto Sorrento and a fireclay brick?
Rezepte 10-14-2021
Recipe: Arancini Siciliani Al Ragù
Arancini Siciliani Al Ragù - an irresistible dish!
Rezepte 10-01-2021
Recipe: Nidi di Rondine
Nidi di Rondine - that's swallow's nests. A treat for all pasta fans.
Ratgeber 09-26-2021
Video: Comparison Valoriani Baby vs. Ooni
We would like to show you a great video in which you can see a comparison between a Valoriani Baby and an Ooni gas stove.
Rezepte 09-20-2021
Recipe: Focaccia con Pomodoro e Origano
A recipe from our original Fontana cookbook. To cook and feast on.
Rezepte 09-16-2021
Orecchiette: How to make the pasta yourself
Homemade pasta is something for lovers. Today we show you how to make orecchiette yourself.
Ratgeber 09-10-2021
Tatatataaa! We have a surprise
Fili has been on the road a lot. We've planned, rescheduled and come up with great recipes for you. Here is our surprise for all pizza fans!
Ratgeber 09-09-2021
View inside the Izzo Napoletano
Pizza ovens from IzzoNapoletano are among the high-end products in our range. We show you what the heart of the oven looks like.
Rezepte 09-03-2021
How to put a wow on your pizza
Pizza toppings: tips and tricks for that certain something on your pizza.
Rezepte 08-06-2021
#3 Fingerfood: Pizza rolls
A delicious recipe for quick pizza buns from the wood-fired oven.
Rezepte 07-12-2021
#2 Round would also be nice
Part #2 of our home story. We still have to work on the shape - and on many other things too, but round would be nice. Here's a tasty recipe tip for that.
Ratgeber 06-28-2021
#1 Burn-in: Home Story Valoriani Baby
Here we show you pictures, recipes and cooking results of our employees experimenting with their Valoriani Baby wood-burning ovens at home.
Kundenreferenzen 06-16-2021
Pizza oven trailer on tour
Bye-bye pizza oven! We have sold this great piece and will soon surprise you with a new gastronomic rental oven trailer.
Kundenreferenzen 06-09-2021
Culinary travel tip for Switzerland
New Josper Grill near Zurich in a dreamlike setting.
Ratgeber 05-07-2021
Online team event: Pizza course with Fili
This week we successfully tested a new format: an online team event in which the employees of a company baked pizza together.
Ratgeber 04-30-2021
Tips for building a Valoriani Indirect
Here you will find tips and instructions on how to build the Valoriani Indirect.
Ratgeber 04-12-2021
Fireclay floors Made in Italy
Valoriani Forni produces its fireclay floors directly in Italy. This has many advantages.
Ratgeber 04-01-2021
Charity "Pizza for a good cause"
Together, La Bottega Toscana and Trattoria Aubergine are launching the "Pizza for a Good Cause" campaign and supplying nursing homes.
Ratgeber 03-20-2021
Time for a pizza oven in the garden
Spring is here and with it the dream of a relaxing time in the garden with dear friends and good food.
Ratgeber 03-15-2021
Easter recipes from Bernardi
Today we have original Italian Easter recipes for you! If you already have a Bernardi dough mixer, you have a clear advantage...
Ratgeber 03-15-2021
Pizzeria Minante in Vienna
We recommend Pizzeria Minante in Vienna. There we have delivered a first-class oven.
Ratgeber 03-08-2021
Valoriani: delivery in lofty heights
We do everything possible to provide our customers with one of our high quality pizza ovens, see for yourself.
Ratgeber 02-25-2021
New: Italian Streetfood in the online course
Bella Italia comes to your home. Focaccia, calzone, pizzetta - all the delicacies you can find on every corner in Italy are coming to your home. With our new online course starting in February.
Ratgeber 02-18-2021
Happy Birthday from the Valoriani Baby
Thanks to the dear colleagues for this extraordinary birthday post! What such a pizza oven can do.
Ratgeber 02-08-2021
Josper demo on March 22
Finally it's that time again, we continue our series of Josper demos.
Rezepte 01-26-2021
Meat from the wood oven
Everyone loves pizza, but in our wood-burning ovens can cook a thousand other dishes. Today a tip for meat lovers.
Ratgeber 01-19-2021
Tool: Find the right pizza oven
Finding the right pizza oven for your garden or kitchen can take a while. Fontana Forni has developed a helpful tool, take a look...
Ratgeber 01-18-2021
New pizza course: Neapolitan pizza
We are often asked for a course on Neapolitan Pizza. Now the time has come, on February 6 we start.
Ratgeber 01-12-2021
Honest feedback
We are always happy to receive feedback from our customers, especially if they are satisfied with our products. Here is an opinion about a Bernardi dough mixer:
Ratgeber 01-05-2021
The basil trick
How does the basil develop its full aroma? There is a trick from the professional gastronomy. See with us the video...
Rezepte 12-28-2020
Recipe for the Bernardi: House bread
For our many Bernardi customers, today we have an equally delicious and simple bread recipe. Have fun baking it!
Ratgeber 12-21-2020
Visit from the region
In December, members of the SPD Linsengericht learned about our company.
Rezepte 12-15-2020
Recipe: Baguette from the Breadmania group
We are happy to be friends with the Breadmania group on Facebook. So many great recipes and knowhow.
Ratgeber 12-14-2020
Commodity science: the basil trick
And another trick from our online pizza course: the basil trick. See for yourself...
Ratgeber 12-09-2020
Commodity science: What the tomato can tells us
Who does not like to eat delicious pizza? But for the pizza to be delicious, it needs some knowledge about the ingredients. Today: the tomatoes.
Ratgeber 11-26-2020
Live pizza course goes into the next round
It was a premiere and it was a success: our first live pizza course with Filippo Licciardo. From now on we go in series with it. Sign up, it's worth it!
Ratgeber 11-20-2020
The fastest outdoor kitchen in the world: Fontana Pizza Desk
Novelty from the house of Fontana: Pizza Desk. The multifunctional work table for all Fontana pizza ovens.
Ratgeber 11-13-2020
Premiere! First live pizza course with Filippo Licciardo
Get your premiere ticket now for only 39 Euro (instead of 79 Euro).
Selected by 11-04-2020
5 Questions for... Kati Wilhelm
We know Kati Wilhelm as a successful biathlete. But now she is also a successful restaurateur with her restaurant "Heimatlon", where one of our wood-burning ovens has found a home. Learn more about Kati and the oven!
Ratgeber 10-27-2020
AVPN Pizza Course: New date
New date for the AVPN Professional Pizza Course in January.
Ratgeber 10-19-2020
Bakehouse Bofa: bread baking courses close to nature
Today we would like to introduce our partner Backhaus Bofa from the Montafon. Baking courses with passion in breathtaking scenery await you there.
Ratgeber 10-12-2020
Packing gifts for Christmas
The time has come: in our store all signs are set for Christmas. Many gifts are waiting for gourmets.
Ratgeber 10-05-2020
Insights: An Izzo from the Inside
Izzo Forni builds highly professional electric ovens for the catering industry. We take a look at the technology...
Rezepte 09-28-2020
Tarte flambée vs. pizza: differences and recipe
Pizza or tarte flambée, Italy or France. But what else distinguishes the two national pastries?
Ratgeber 09-22-2020
Build Valoriani Indirect yourself - here's how!
Start your pizza oven project now! Here are a few impressions of the construction of a Valoriani Indirect kit.
Ratgeber 09-09-2020
Test Josper HJA with us!
New in our show kitchen: Josper HJA. The professional grill for the upscale gastronomy with us live in use.
Ratgeber 09-02-2020
New date for AVPN professional pizza courses
The time has come, the next AVPN professional pizza course in Germany at La Bottega Toscana is scheduled. Secure one of the few places now.
Ratgeber 08-25-2020
Wood or gas? That is the question.
It's clear: a pizza oven should visually enhance your garden and provide culinary pleasure. The only question that remains is the best energy source for you, wood or gas.
Ratgeber 08-20-2020
Pizza oven: fixed location or mobile pizza oven
There are many ways to fulfill the dream of having your own pizza oven in the garden. One of the key questions is the location of the oven.
Ratgeber 08-12-2020
Pizza oven: classic dome oven or a bake house
What are the differences between cooking with a classic dome oven and a bakehouse?
Ratgeber 08-05-2020
Pizza oven: direct or indirect firing
Your own pizza oven in the garden is a dream that you can easily fulfill with our help.
Ratgeber 07-28-2020
Installment plan for restaurateurs
You are a restaurateur and want to modernize your kitchen or open a new one? We have attractive offers for the purchase of the oven.
Ratgeber 07-21-2020
More than a pizza oven
We are your specialist for high quality pizza ovens. But our ovens are absolutely versatile. Here we present to you what a Fontana bakehouse can do.
Kundenreferenzen 07-15-2020
Customer images: Outdoor kitchen with Valoriani Top
We have many creative and talented customers who send us their pictures. We would like to present some of them here. Today: Valoriani Top in a large outdoor kitchen.
Ratgeber 07-09-2020
AVPN Pizza Course: Date is fixed
Finally we can give you a fixed date for our AVPN pizza course. Info, registration and and and you can find here...
Ratgeber 07-08-2020
Pizza Napoletana at the Westhafen in Leipzig
A real Pizza Napoletana is a work of art. In Leipzig we have an address for you where you can enjoy it from one of our ovens.
Ratgeber 07-01-2020
VAT down, discount up!
We at start our VAT discount promotion today.
Ratgeber 06-25-2020
Many products are available for immediate delivery
We can deliver your pizza oven for the garden at short notice! After all, now is the outdoor season.
Ratgeber 06-18-2020
Valoriani baby in perfect setting
As of now, MeinMain in Hanau has one more attraction: a bright red Valoriani Baby for maximum pizza enjoyment - or whatever your heart desires, the Baby can do it.
Ratgeber 06-15-2020
AVPN certified Izzo Forni Napoletano
This decision is like an accolade: the AVPN certifies Izzo's Forni Napoletano" for baking the original Pizza Napoletana.
Ratgeber 06-12-2020
Lunch at Trattoria Aubergine
Finally it's that time again: the Trattoria Aubergine offers again daily changing lunch. Business lunch in Mediterranean flair on the beautiful sun terrace.
Ratgeber 06-08-2020
Bayreuth is richer by one Josper Grill
In May we have delivered a great absolutely newly designed Josper Grill to Bayreuth in the EILA Tasting Center. So go there, it's worth it in any case!
Ratgeber 06-03-2020
Build the pizza oven yourself!
You have a new project in mind, the detailed planning begins. It is to be a pizza oven. Self-built, in your own garden. Then look here, how it works.
Ratgeber 05-28-2020
And a stove can fly after all
Sometimes we deliver furnaces to hard-to-reach places and have to come up with ways to overcome big obstacles. See for yourself.
Ratgeber 05-25-2020
Churrasco - Brazilian style grilling
"Churrasco" is the name of the Brazilian way to grill. Quite original like the cattle herders with conviviality and good meat. Here's a little introduction.
Ratgeber 05-22-2020
Pizza, pasta, be happy! From the oven test with your own family
We employees at La Bottega Toscana like to take the opportunity to take home a free rental oven and test what it can do. Thanks to the boss! And a little insight into a test weekend with the family!
Ratgeber 05-06-2020
Stainless steel pizza ovens: it all depends on the quality
Currently, many stainless steel hobby pizza ovens are on the market. Some discounters offer pizza oven models. We explain where the differences are and what's important. After that, you'll know why it makes sense to opt for quality.
Ratgeber 05-05-2020
New web address:
New name, proven content. As of today, we can be reached on the web under the URL Otherwise everything remains as before.
Ratgeber 05-03-2020
NEW: Services for our Josper customers
Attention Josper customers! From now on we offer a new service. Find out more here.
Ratgeber 04-30-2020
Furnace construction: We are fully committed!
As you know, you can get many different pizza oven models with us. How we hang ourselves for you purely to fulfill even individual wishes, you can see here!
Rezepte 04-21-2020
Sourdough bread in wood oven
A sourdough bread is digestible and keeps fresh for a long time. Click here for the recipe.
Ratgeber 04-18-2020
Baking bread in your own oven
Baking bread has become more and more of a trend. Read here which wood-burning ovens are best and how to make bread at home.
Ratgeber 04-15-2020
A donation for each stove sold
Our partner Fontana Forni wants to support its compatriots in the fight against the Corona virus and has launched an action worth mentioning.
Ratgeber 04-15-2020
The stone oven: versatile and mobile
Learn everything you need to know about stone oven kit stone oven, electric stone oven and pizza stone oven.
Ratgeber 04-01-2020
Find stove exhibition near you
You are interested in one of our pizza ovens and want to see it before you order it? No problem, we have a good network of partners all over Germany. We will gladly put you in touch with them.
Ratgeber 04-01-2020
Give yourself a pleasure break from the crisis
Barbecue was yesterday, today we bake our own pizza!
Ratgeber 03-28-2020
Wood Burning Oven Customer: Fire Up
Are you the proud owner of a wood-burning oven or are you thinking of getting one? Then take a look here!
Ratgeber 03-26-2020
Against the crisis: Pizza Contest
Our partners Valoriani and AVPN are each hosting a contest. We want to see what the pizza community around the world is putting on the table at home. So join us and post your pictures!
Ratgeber 03-26-2020
Bonus: Individual online tutorial for every furnace purchase
We have thought of something to help you with advice and support during the Corona period. Every furnace purchase comes with a personalized online tutorial. All info here...
Selected by 03-02-2020
5 Questions to... Christian Soens
Among our customers are many well-known and leading restaurateurs. For our blog, for example, they tell us their favorite recipe - it's worth taking a look! Today at DreiHefen in Koblenz.
Ratgeber 02-20-2020
Proper cooking in wood oven
It is important to heat the oven properly. Here you will find the appropriate instructions!
Selected by 12-02-2019
5 Questions to... Malte Bruins
Among our customers are many well-known and leading restaurateurs. For our blog, for example, they tell us their favorite recipe - it's worth taking a look!