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Cooking in the wood-burning oven

Our wood-burning ovens are all-rounders: bread, pizza, casseroles, meat or dessert. You can prepare any food in them, cooking in the old tradition with wood fire. Our chef Frank will introduce you to this way of cooking in our show kitchen. He explains how to heat the ovens and which temperature is appropriate for which dish. He always uses a Fontana Gusto wood-burning oven with indirect firing in the shape of a baking house and a Valoriani Forni dome oven with direct firing. Both have their advantages, which Frank points out. He always bakes a bread or roll, a cake and a savoury pastry. Frank is a trained chef and imparts a lot of knowledge about his recipes and the food he uses.

Our course offer in our show kitchen

Baking bread, pizza and other delicacies

Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Sat, 2/15/25, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Neuer Pizzakurs mit Sandro. Ihr wollt alles über Pizza lernen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig.
Professional AVPN-course
Professional AVPN-course
Mon, 3/10/25, 9:00 AM - 3/14/25, 4:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2
1 place left
Learn how to prepare the world heritage pizza, the real Pizza Neapolitana.
Book now
Baking in a wood fired oven
Baking in a wood fired oven
Sat, 3/15/25, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Bread and pizza course for hobby cooks. It is about the many possibilities in the wood-burning oven.
Baking in a wood fired oven
Baking in a wood fired oven
Sat, 4/26/25, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
1 place left
Bread and pizza course for hobby cooks. It is about the many possibilities in the wood-burning oven.
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Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Sat, 5/17/25, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Neuer Pizzakurs mit Sandro. Ihr wollt alles über Pizza lernen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig.
Baking in a wood fired oven
Baking in a wood fired oven
Sat, 6/14/25, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Bread and pizza course for hobby cooks. It is about the many possibilities in the wood-burning oven.
Sauerteig- & Brotbackkurs mit Maike
Sauerteig- & Brotbackkurs mit Maike
Sat, 6/28/25, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2 in 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Jeder kann Sauerteigbrot backen. Maike lüftet die Geheimnisse beim Backen mit Sauerteig und anderen tollen Teigen.
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Sat, 8/30/25, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
1 place left
Neuer Pizzakurs mit Sandro. Ihr wollt alles über Pizza lernen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig.
Book now
Baking in a wood fired oven
Baking in a wood fired oven
Sat, 9/13/25, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
2 places left
Bread and pizza course for hobby cooks. It is about the many possibilities in the wood-burning oven.
Book now
Professional AVPN-course
Professional AVPN-course
Mon, 10/20/25, 12:00 PM - 10/24/25, 12:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2
6 places left
Learn how to prepare the world heritage pizza, the real Pizza Neapolitana.
Book now
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Pizzakurs mit Sandro
Sat, 10/25/25, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
No free places left
Neuer Pizzakurs mit Sandro. Ihr wollt alles über Pizza lernen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig.
Sauerteig- & Brotbackkurs mit Maike
Sauerteig- & Brotbackkurs mit Maike
Sat, 11/8/25, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2 in 63589 Linsengericht
8 places left
Jeder kann Sauerteigbrot backen. Maike lüftet die Geheimnisse beim Backen mit Sauerteig und anderen tollen Teigen.
Book now
Baking in a wood fired oven
Baking in a wood fired oven
Sat, 11/29/25, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht
8 places left
Bread and pizza course for hobby cooks. It is about the many possibilities in the wood-burning oven.
Book now

Online course at 7 Hauben

Pizza course with Fili

Our popular 7-course "Basic Pizza Course" with Chef Filippo Licciardo is now available in a new format. Learn everything you need to know to bake a pizza at home like at the Italian restaurant. Fili starts with the ingredients of the dough, you will learn everything about flour, yeast, water temperature and tomatoes. You will make a dough together, Fili will show you the kneading technique, explain stick and piece proofing and show you the secret of the perfect dough ball and how to spread the pizza.

to the course

Heart & Passion



Maike from bakes bread with passion. She has been baking for five years now and has written herself into the hearts of hobby bread bakers with her blog Her claim: good bread on the table. And how you get to a good bread, there are several ways. Maike wants to make it easy for you, so that everyone has delicious artisan bread on the table.


Sandro always has an ace up his sleeve. With his years of gastro experience, he not only bakes super delicious pizza, but is also always up for a bit of entertainment. He knows our Valoriani pizza ovens inside out and will give you lots of tips and tricks about pizza baking, the ingredients, the dough and baking in your own oven.


Our chef: Frank is a trained chef with a lot of experience and a passionate baker. What Frank appreciates about our wood-fired ovens is their versatility and flexibility. Whether bread, pizza, roast or cake, in a wood-fired oven everything becomes a pleasure. Book a course and look forward to a varied course in our show kitchen.

Professionals & Enthusiasts

AVPN - Neopolitan Pizza

What is the AVPN professional?

The Associatione Vera Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) is the official organization for the protection and preservation of the original Neapolitan pizza. Its mission and concern worldwide is to spread the production of the only original Neapolitan pizza. This professional pizza course is aimed at cooks and pizzaiolo with experience and previous knowledge. It is an advanced course and opens new possibilities for the cook and restaurateur.

Pizza courses for professionals
Professional AVPN-course
Professional AVPN-course
Mon, 3/10/25, 9:00 AM - 3/14/25, 4:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2
1 place left
Learn how to prepare the world heritage pizza, the real Pizza Neapolitana.
Book now
Professional AVPN-course
Professional AVPN-course
Mon, 10/20/25, 12:00 PM - 10/24/25, 12:00 PM
La Bottega Toscana | Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2
6 places left
Learn how to prepare the world heritage pizza, the real Pizza Neapolitana.
Book now

What is the AVPN day course?

This day course "Pizza Napoletana" is aimed at amateur and professional chefs who want to get a taste of the preparation of the true Pizza Napoletana. It is an entry point into the world of Pizza Napoletana. The Associatione Vera Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) is the official organization for the protection and preservation of the original Neapolitan pizza. Worldwide, its mission and concern is to spread the production of the only original Neapolitan pizza.


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