Recipe: Baguette from the Breadmania Group
Rezepte Baguette
At Breadmania, passionate bread bakers meet and exchange deeply about their passion. The result is unique creations and perfected classics. Like the recipe here, which Kerstin Schlegel from Breadmania has allowed us to publish. She kneads with a Miss Baker Pro.
Baguette Signature #24 à la Kelienea by Breadmania

Autolyse 2-3 hours at 4 degrees (optional, 30 minutes suffice)
380 g T65
20 g Ruch flour (alternatively 1050 wheat flour)
265 g cold water (possibly 10 - 30 g more water, depending on the water absorption of the flour)
3 g bean flour
20 g Licoli wheat sourdough (TA 180)
Main dough (7 minutes on speed 1-2, 3 minutes on speed 3, 5 minutes on speed 4-5) - smooth, elastic, detaches from the edge of the bowl)
688 g Autolyse
9.3 to 9.5 g salt
1.3 g fresh yeast
Bulk fermentation (variable)
2.5 hours at room temperature - 3 x S/F every 45 minutes (almost doubling)
then 12-18 hours in the fridge at 4-5 degrees
or alternatively: let it rise 1 hour at room temperature - 2 x S/F every 45 minutes, then 36 to 48 hours in the fridge at 4-5 degrees
1 hour acclimatize (dough has nearly tripled afterwards - small bubbles) P.S.: If it triples earlier, no acclimatization required, shape directly) Dough temperature approx. 17 degrees
Weighing (dough pieces suitable for domestic oven)
3 dough pieces à 232 g
Process 1) Cylinder (20 - 30 minutes intermediate fermentation / bench)
Process 2) Final Shape
Proofing in linen/proof: 45-60 minutes (dough temperature at the beginning approx. 19 - 21 degrees)
Scoring: Overlapping 3 or 5 cuts at an oblique angle
Bake for 22 min. at 240 degrees C top/bottom heat - steam heavily, release after 15 minutes. Last 5 minutes convection 220 degrees.