Sweet baking in a Fontana Bakehouse

In the cold season: sweets from the Fontana bakery

Have you ever baked biscuits, waffles, sweets or cakes in your Fontana Backhaus? We have tips for an optimal baking day.

Sweets from the Fontana Backhaus 

We have many customers who use their Fontana baking houses to cook whole menus, braise or, of course, for pizza. But the baking houses can do much more. Sweet things can be prepared just as well. Whether waffles from the mould, cakes, biscuits or desserts. The most important thing is the temperature, which needs some experience to set. You should already know your oven well in order to find the optimal temperature when starting it up. But then you can make a whole baking day to make the best use of the energy. 

How to organise a baking day in your Fontana Bakehouse 

  • Heat the oven to 280 degrees. Wait until the temperature starts to drop. Do not reheat. Now put the bread or loaves in and bake at falling temperature. When the bread is done, add more wood. 
  • Bake the cake at approx. 200 - 220 degrees and let the temperature in the oven drop gradually, do not reheat. 
  • At a temperature of 180 degrees, you can now bake biscuits or yeast rolls. Also stollen, striezel or tubular noodles. In principle, all sweet treats. 
  • At temperatures below 160 degrees, sweet pastries such as waffles in moulds, croissants or Danish pastries can be baked. 

Bake and save energy  

At the end of such a baking day, you have killed several birds with one stone. You will have made the most of your energy input. The wood has baked bread for you for several days, filled the biscuit tins, prepared dessert and coffee and also produced little treats to snack on directly. Maybe you even baked some sweet pieces to freeze. What a successful baking day. 
Almost a bit like in the old days when the village bakehouse was fired up once a week. Today, we not only save energy compared to baking individual loaves or cakes, but also use renewable fuels for it by firing wood. Being able to plan better reduces the frequency of our shopping, which leads to lower emissions and spontaneous purchases and thus contributes to a sustainable lifestyle.

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