Recipe: Nidi di Rondine
October 1, 2021 Melina Köpsel
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Nidi di Rondine
400 g egg pasta dough
500 g béchamel sauce
500 g tomato sauce
200 g cooked ham
200 g mozzarella
50 g Parmigiano
1 pinch nutmeg
Pinch of butter flakes
Roll out the pasta dough and cut squares of 25 x 25 cm size. Cook in salted water, drain and place on a linen cloth.
Cut and mix the ham, mozzarella, Parmigiano, and nutmeg. Fill the pasta and roll it like cannelloni. Cut the cannelloni into slices to create small pinwheels. Grease a baking tray with butter, spread a layer of béchamel sauce and tomato sauce, and arrange the pinwheels. Distribute the remaining béchamel and tomato sauce over them with a spoon and sprinkle with grated Parmigiano and butter flakes. Cook in a Fontana oven at 320-350° C for about 30 minutes.