Participate and show solidarity!
#VeraPizzaContest of the AVPN
The Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) as the Italian organization for the preservation of the world heritage Napoletan pizza, unites all fans of perfect pizza in the Corona crisis.Whether a pizza maker by profession or by passion, the AVPN invites all pizza lovers to share their photos and videos via Facebook their personal pizza during the period from March 20 to April 20. The prerequisite is an electric pizza oven. The 20 best pizzas will be selected. The winners will be announced on April 24. The first prize is a professional pizza course.So get to the ovens!
#StayHomeFireUp by Forni Valoriani
To show solidarity with all the people who are suffering because of Corona, but also all those who are massively limited by the crisis, Forni Valoriani asks "stay at home and fire up your stoves". Worldwide, owners of Valoriani pizza ovens are called upon to post pictures of their delicacies and thus encourage others to weather the crisis well at home. A nice idea! You can post photos of your delicacies under the hashtag above, tagging the page @fornivaloriani. So go ahead, show solidarity and send your recipe idea to Valoriani friends around the world!