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Nice that you have found your way to our pizza oven magazine. Here we would like to collect interesting content for you on the topics of pizza oven and pizza baking. Browse through our recipes for different types of ovens like dome ovens, stone ovens or gas pizza ovens. In addition, we give you insights into exciting oven projects of our customers.

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Rezepte 02-02-2025

Perfekter Kreppelteig mit der Bernardi Teigmaschine: Tipps und Rezepte

So gelingen Kreppel, Berliner und Krapfen in der Bernardi My Miss Baker.
Ratgeber 01-26-2025

Mehr als nur Pizza: Die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten eines Pizzaofens

Staunen Sie, welche Gerichte Sie im Pizzaofen zaubern können.
Ratgeber 01-19-2025

Holz oder Gas?

Die Vor- und Nachteile der Befeuerung beim Pizzaofen in der Outdoorküche.
Ratgeber 01-12-2025

So planst du deine Outdoorküche

Das Herzstück ist dabei ein original italienischen Pizzaofen, Kuppelofen oder Backhaus.
Rezepte 01-05-2025

Winterlicher Pizzagenuss – Pizzaideen für die kalte Jahreszeit

Wenn draußen die Temperaturen sinken und sich drinnen alles um Gemütlichkeit dreht, wird Pizza zur perfekten winterlichen Köstlichkeit.
Ratgeber 12-29-2024

Pizza Bianca – Ein Klassiker aus Italien: Tradition, Geschichte und Rezept

Pizza Bianca, was übersetzt „weiße Pizza“ bedeutet, ist ein kulinarisches Highlight der italienischen Küche, das oft im Schatten der klassischen Margherita oder Marinara steht.
Rezepte 12-22-2024

Ein Fest für die Sinne: Italienisches Weihnachtsmenü aus dem Holzbackofen

Ein modernes und zugleich klassisches Menü, wie es in Italien Familien an den Weihnachtstisch zieht.
Ratgeber 12-19-2024

Christmas pastries from around the world

Perfection with the Bernardi My Miss Baker Diving Arm Mixer
Kundenreferenzen 12-16-2024

Miss Baker Pro in Aktion

Graciela Cucchiara backt Panettone.
Aktuelle Events 12-09-2024

Revolution in the Art of Pizza

The Valoriani Rotativo receives AVPN certification
Ratgeber 12-03-2024

Persian bread

Tradition and Delight from the Stone Oven

Recycling Heating System (RHS) by Valoriani

Efficiency and sustainability redefined


The Levantine Pizza Specialty – Delight from the Middle East

Rent your pizza oven

A celebration with crispy delight. Ensure a special experience!
Ratgeber 11-10-2024

Bernardi diving arm kneader in the confectionery - Recipes

Part 2: Finest confectionery recipes benefiting from Bernardi immersion arm technology
Ratgeber 11-07-2024

Coming Soon: My Miss Baker – now infinitely adjustable!

Mid-November: Market launch of the new stepless My Miss Baker.
Ratgeber 11-06-2024

Bernardi diving arm mixer in the confectionery - the introduction

Part 1: Introduction to the World of Confectionery with Bernardi Dough Kneading Machines
Ratgeber 10-28-2024

Dough kneader: From pizza to patisserie

How Kneading Machines Also Bring Innovation to the Confectionery
Ratgeber 10-28-2024

The PizzaApp

A comprehensive helper for pizza makers and dough lovers
Ratgeber 10-25-2024

The revolution in chocolate processing

How a dough mixer makes the difference
Ratgeber 10-22-2024

Perfect consistencies for chocolates and fillings

The correct kneading technique in confectionery with diving arm kneaders from Bernardi
Ratgeber 09-30-2024

Lievito Madre - The Heart of Italian Baking Art

What is behind the Lievito Madre? Could it be an Italian sourdough?
Rezepte 09-25-2024

Onion cake and Federweiser

Enjoy autumn with a traditional dish...
Ratgeber 09-24-2024

Poolish – The secret tip for airy pizza dough

Origin, application, and instruction
Ratgeber 09-23-2024

The science behind the perfect pizza

How temperature, materials, and construction of the oven influence the taste
Ratgeber 09-16-2024

Canotto-Style Pizza

The Revolution of Neapolitan Pizza
Rezepte 09-13-2024

Panuozzi with Burrata & Cherry Tomatoes

A touch of Italy from your pizza oven...

Baking tradition: Italian dome oven or bakehouse

The art of baking bread and pizza has a long tradition, and depending on the region, different oven techniques and firing methods have developed...
Rezepte 08-30-2024

Culinary Tours through Italy: Naples' Cuisine

Delicacies from Naples: Typical Dishes and Recipes of Neapolitan Cuisine.
Rezepte 08-20-2024

Culinary Expeditions through Italy: Sicilian Cuisine

Experience the culinary treasures of Sicily here.
Aktuelle Events 08-16-2024

Country Outing at Büdingen Castle

Visit us from August 29 – September 1, 2024, at the Landpartie in Büdingen Castle for our pizza oven and bread oven exhibition with tasting.
Rezepte 08-10-2024

Culinary Tours through Italy: Sardinian Cuisine

The Sardinian cuisine is simple and rich in flavors. Typical dishes and recipes.
Rezepte 07-30-2024

Culinary Tours through Italy: Classics of Roman Cuisine

Typical dishes of Roman cuisine and their recipes.
Rezepte 07-20-2024

Culinary Journeys Through Italy: Southern Italy

Holiday at Home: Regional Specialties from Southern Italy with Recipes.
Rezepte 07-10-2024

Culinary Explorations through Italy: Central Italy

Specialties and recipes from Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio
Rezepte 06-30-2024

Culinary Tours through Italy: Northern Italy

Regional specialties and recipes from Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, and Liguria.
Rezepte 06-20-2024

Pizza dough: How does the protein content in flour affect the baked pizza?

The relationship between the protein content in flour, the duration of dough fermentation, and the baking result when making pizza
Ratgeber 06-11-2024

An unbeatable quality feature: Made in Italy

About the benefits of pizza ovens made in Italy.

Pizza oven kit or DIY - the differences

There are inexpensive and expensive pizza oven kits and stones for self-construction. We explain where the differences lie.
Aktuelle Events 05-23-2024

Italian Show Munich: Tradition Meets Innovation

Experience top-class gastronomic products at The Italian Show in Munich on June 10th.
Aktuelle Events 05-17-2024

Visit us at the Wilhelmsbad Garden Festival

Pizza oven and bread oven exhibition with tasting.
Ratgeber 05-07-2024

Baking bread with sourdough yourself - here's how.

Make your own sourdough and bake sourdough bread. Also: new sourdough course with us.
Rezepte 04-26-2024

Pasta dough in Miss Baker

Experiment: Can Miss Baker also knead good pasta dough?
Ratgeber 03-26-2024

Outdoor kitchen bakehouses

The Art of Original Italian Bakeries with Indirect Firing: An Ode to Outdoor Cooking
Ratgeber 02-26-2024

Country-Specific Flour Types Compared

Read here how flour types differ in Germany, Italy, and France.
Ratgeber 01-23-2024

Creative Pleasure: Meat Filling for Ravioli with the Dive Arm Kneader

Diving arm kneaders can do much more than pizza and bread doughs. They are multitalents.
Rezepte 01-15-2024

Desserts from leftover pizza dough

How to Create Delicious Desserts from Pizza Dough.
Brot backen 01-09-2024

The Magic of No-Knead Dough

Effortless bread baking for everyone with no-knead doughs.
Ratgeber 01-04-2024

Forni Valoriani Pizza Oven Kit: A Touch of Italy at Home

DIY wood-fired oven kit from Italy, the land of passion, enjoyment, and culinary masterpieces.
Ratgeber 12-27-2023

Fresh pasta in no time: pasta doughs with the diving arm kneader

A Bernardi diving arm kneader can do much more than pizza dough and bread dough. Today we are making pasta dough.
Ratgeber 12-20-2023

Versatile and Efficient: The Magical World of Diving Arm Kneading

Diving arm kneader - this seemingly specialized kitchen appliance has much more to offer than just mixing pizza doughs and cake batters.
Ratgeber 12-13-2023

Kneading Stollen in the Miss Baker by Bernardi

You want to see if a Bernardi can do more than knead pizza dough. Then go ahead...
Ratgeber 12-08-2023

Vitella Conical Rounder: The Test

Vitella in Test: How to create the perfect pizza dough ball? We show you how.
Ratgeber 12-03-2023

Mozzarella, Fior di Latte and Buffalo Mozzarella Compared

A guide to the perfect pizza enjoyment. All about mozzarella and its siblings.
Pizzakurs: Original Pizzateig herstellen
Ratgeber 11-28-2023

Pizzadough: Everything you need to know

Here we answer questions about pizza dough: preparation, processing, storage.
Ratgeber 11-22-2023

Dive Arm Kneading Technique: The Art of Dough Kneading

Why diving arm kneading machines are the ultimate companions for hobby bakers
Professioneller Gas-Pizzaofen in Edelstahl-Optik, ideal für Gastronomiebetriebe, der eine gleichmäßige und schnelle Erwärmung für perfekte Pizzas gewährleistet.
Ratgeber 11-17-2023

The advantages of gas-fired pizza ovens

Perfect enjoyment in every respect
Ratgeber 11-11-2023

The tart oven - that's what matters.

What actually makes a flammkuchen oven? We shed light on this.
Rezepte 11-06-2023

Recipe: Sunday Rolls Made Easy

Whoever likes to use wholemeal flours will bake delicious Sunday rolls with this recipe.
Rezepte 10-31-2023

Halloween pizza to scare

Last minute spooky food idea for you
Ratgeber 10-24-2023

Bernardi Chef: New dough kneaders with 2 speed levels

New in our range: Bernardi Chef dough machine with 2 speeds.
Ratgeber 10-19-2023

New: Sprilakneter for Gastronomy

New in the assortment: high-quality hospital mixers from Effedue in many sizes.
Aktuelle Events 10-12-2023

New: Christmas Baking Course with Maike

It is time. We are excited to introduce a new baking course: It's going to be festive.
Aktuelle Events 10-04-2023

AVPN Professional Course Pizza Napoletana

Images from the AVPN Professional Pizza Course
Aktuelle Events 10-04-2023

Insights into the course AVPN Pizza Napoletana

Insights into our AVPN hobby cooking course.
Ratgeber 09-21-2023

The perfect cheese selection for your pizza, Part 3: International cheese specialties

A guide to delicious international pizzas thanks to various cheese specialties
Ratgeber 09-14-2023

The perfect cheese selection for your pizza, Part 2: Italian cheese varieties

Tasteful tips for irresistible enjoyment. Italian flavors on the pizza.
Ratgeber 09-07-2023

The perfect cheese selection for your pizza: Part 1

A guide to irresistible enjoyment. Part 1.
Ratgeber 08-29-2023

Baking pinsa requires practice

An experience report on the first attempts at baking Pinsa.
Ratgeber 08-25-2023

Helper for baking pizza at home

Here you will find out which small and large tools you need for baking pizza at home.
Kundenreferenzen 08-22-2023

Inspiration: Build a pizza oven kit on the terrace

How do I set up my pizza oven kit on the terrace? This question is asked by many customers. Here is an example.
Ratgeber 08-14-2023

Oriental pastries from the wood-fired oven

In the oriental cuisine, a wood-fired oven is part of the tradition. We introduce the baked goods that are made there.
Ratgeber 08-07-2023

Enhance your pizza with Italian sausage specialties

Here it's all about the sausage. Delicious Italian sausage for the pizza. An overview.
Ratgeber 07-31-2023

Insulation material for pizza ovens and wood-fired ovens

The most important thing when building a pizza or wood-fired oven is to pay attention to good insulation material. Here is useful information about insulation material.
Ratgeber 07-24-2023

Oven in the Garden: Wood-Fired Ovens, Stone Ovens and Outdoor Kitchens

We showcase wood-fired ovens, pizza ovens, and stone ovens for the garden and outdoor kitchen. An overview.

Wood-fired oven: The art of fueling and adding more wood

Read here how to fire up your wood-fired oven and cook and bake pizza all evening long.
Ratgeber 07-12-2023

What role does room temperature play for bread dough?

For baking bread and therefore yeast doughs, room temperature is crucial. We explain.
Ratgeber 07-04-2023

Fulfill your dream of baking in a Mediterranean dome oven that you built yourself!

Natürlich, geben Sie mir bitte den zu übersetzenden Text.
Ratgeber 07-04-2023

Stone oven for the perfect outdoor kitchen for self-construction

First tips for building a stone oven for the outdoor kitchen.
Ratgeber 07-03-2023

Plans for the construction of a versatile wood-fired oven for pizza and bread

Natürlich, bitte geben Sie den Text an, den Sie übersetzt haben möchten, damit ich Ihnen helfen kann.
Ratgeber 07-03-2023

The right location choice for your wood-fired oven

Natürlich, bitte stelle den deutschen Text zur Verfügung, den du übersetzt haben möchtest.

Videos and construction manuals for building wood-fired ovens in the garden and outdoor kitchen for pizza and bread

Welcome to the list of links with videos on the topic "Building a Wood-Fired Oven"!
Ratgeber 07-03-2023

What tools are needed to build a wood-fired oven in the garden or outdoor kitchen?

Natürlich! Bitte geben Sie den Text ein, den Sie übersetzen möchten.
Ratgeber 06-30-2023

Valoriani Pizza Stone - The perfect choice for crispy, homemade pizza

Natürlich, ich bin bereit, mit der Übersetzung zu beginnen. Bitte teile mir den zu übersetzenden Text mit.
Ratgeber 06-30-2023

What is the best bread and pizza oven for the garden and the outdoor kitchen?

Natürlich! Bitte fügen Sie den Text ein, den Sie übersetzt haben möchten.
Ratgeber 06-18-2023

Pizza Stone vs. Pizza Steel: A Comparison for the Perfect Pizza Enjoyment

Pizza Stone vs. Pizza Steel: a Comparison
Ratgeber 06-15-2023

Lahmacun vs. Pizza: A Comparison of Two Culinary Delights

Lahmacun and pizza, two specialties and their characteristics: a comparison.
Ratgeber 06-12-2023

Pinsa vs. Pizza: A Comparison of Two Italian Delicacies

Pinsa and Pizza, what are the differences and what are the similarities?
Ratgeber 06-07-2023

Pizza oven with wood firing vs. pizza oven with gas firing: A comparison

Decision-making aid: Learn here about the advantages of wood-fired and gas-fired pizza ovens.
Brot backen 06-06-2023

Baking Bread: What is the Bulk Fermentation?

If you've always wondered what the "Stockgare" is when baking bread, then you're in the right place! In this blog article, you'll learn all about the "Stockgare" and why it is so important for perfect bread.

The Italian Show with Izzo Forni

Meet us on June 6th in Cologne at The Italian Show of ITKAM and get to know the ovens from Izzo Forni.
Brot backen 05-12-2023

Baking Bread: What Types of Flour Are There?

If you want to bake bread, it's important to know which types of flour are available and which are best suited for which type of bread.
Ratgeber 05-11-2023

New: Bread Baking Course

Do you want to bake bread? Get information and motivation in our bread baking course with Maike.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking Bread: How to Achieve the Perfect Crumb and Crust?

Bake your own bread and experience the difference between store-bought and homemade bread. In this blog article, you will learn how to achieve the perfect crumb and crust.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking bread: What does the type designation on flours mean?

Have you ever wondered what the type designation on flour means? In this blog article, you'll learn all about type designations.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking bread: What is a Poolish?

Have you ever heard of a poolish? It is a type of preferment used in bread baking. In this article, we will look at what a poolish is, how to make it, and how to use it in bread baking.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking Bread: Which is Better - Yeast or Sourdough?

Do you bake your own bread? Are you unsure whether to use yeast or sourdough? In our blog article, you'll find out which baking method is better suited for making delicious bread.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking bread: Which types of grains are used for baking bread?

Do you bake your own bread? Then you might already know that there are a variety of grains you can use for baking bread. But did you know that you can also use grains other than wheat flour?
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Baking Bread: Why is Resting Time Important for Bread Dough?

Do you bake your own bread at home? If so, you might know that the resting time for the bread dough plays an important role. But did you know why? In this blog article, you'll learn why the resting time for the bread dough is so important.
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Bread Baking: What is a Biga?

Have you always wondered what a Biga is and how to use it to bake bread? In this blog article, you will learn everything you need to know about Biga and how it can enhance your baking experience!
Brot backen 05-09-2023

Bread baking: Why is kneading the dough so important?

Have you ever tried baking bread? If so, you have certainly noticed that kneading the dough is an important step to achieve a good result. But why is kneading the dough so important?
Ratgeber 05-08-2023

Glossary: Bread Baking

Helpful glossary around the topic of bread baking.
Ratgeber 05-05-2023

Diving Arm Kneader - the advantages

Dive arm kneaders offer many advantages, even for home use.
Ratgeber 05-02-2023

Various kneading techniques of dough machines

Discover here which kneading techniques for dough machines are available.
Rezepte 04-16-2023

Pizza Trends: An Overview

There are many different pizza recipes that are currently trending. An overview.
Ratgeber 04-13-2023

Pre-ferments for pizza dough

For a special touch in the pizza dough: different pre-doughs.
Ratgeber 04-11-2023

Steaming Bread in a Wood-Fired Oven

What you should know about misting bread.
Ratgeber 04-08-2023

Guide: Build Your Own Pizza Oven

DIY Pizza Oven: Tips for the Garden Pizza Oven
Ratgeber 04-05-2023

Pizza ovens in the outdoor kitchen

Read more information about pizza ovens in the outdoor kitchen here...
Ratgeber 03-30-2023

The Secret of Pinsa

Pinsa is fully on trend. But what is special about Pinsa? With recipe collection.
Rezepte 03-26-2023

Recipe: Pizza with Green Pesto

Green pizza with pesto instead of tomato sauce.
Ratgeber 03-23-2023

Overview: Gluten-Free Flours for Baking

Here's an overview of gluten-free baking and gluten-free flours.
Ratgeber 03-14-2023

Baking Bread for Beginners

We reveal simple tricks that will allow you to bake bread in a wood-fired oven even as a beginner.
Ratgeber 03-05-2023

Tips for Pizza from the Wood-Fired Oven

Tips for Perfect Pizza from the Wood-Fired Oven.
Ratgeber 03-03-2023

What can I cook in a wood-fired oven?

Pizza, pasta and much more. Baking in a wood-fired oven explained simply.
Ratgeber 03-01-2023

Adventure of Renting a Pizza Oven - An Experience Report

Our colleague Leona describes her experience with our rental oven Fontana Gusto.

Effedue spiral kneader soon in our assortment

New to us: Spiral kneaders from effedue srl
Rezepte 02-14-2023

Special Doughs #5: Pinsa

Pinsa, the Roman specialty, is crispy, soft, aromatic, and easily digestible. We explain why this is so.
Ratgeber 02-03-2023

Pizza oven with gas burner: What you need to know

Gas burners are super practical. This is what you should know to bake delicious pizza.
Ratgeber 01-11-2023

Pizza Course Contest - The Winners Have Been Announced!

In our December newsletter, we exclusively raffled our online pizza course for our customers. The winners have been announced!
Rezepte 12-25-2022

Recipe: Cookies Like Grandma's

What is essential at Christmas time? Exactly - freshly baked cookies like Grandma used to make.
Ratgeber 12-19-2022

Pizza ovens for starting the pizza fun at home

Top pizza ovens for beginners at an unbeatable price. Now new in the range. All information here...
Rezepte 12-15-2022

Recipe: Spelt Flour Cake with Cantiano Sour Cherry Jam

Perfect for the Christmas season, a new recipe from Fontana: Spelt Flour Cake with Cantiano Sour Cherry Jam
Ratgeber 12-05-2022

Outing tip in the Black Forest: Pizzeria Meckerlini

Certainly! Here is the translation: Every now and then, we deliver fantastic ovens to holiday regions and keep you informed here, so you never have to miss out on good pizza anywhere.
Rezepte 11-29-2022

In the cold season: Sweets from the Fontana Bakery

Have you ever baked cookies, waffles, sweets, or cakes in your Fontana Backhaus? We have tips for an optimal baking day.
Ratgeber 11-21-2022

Baking clubs take note

A bakehouse in the village like in the old days. We show how this wish can be fulfilled for any club.
Ratgeber 11-07-2022

Temperatures in the wood-fired oven

Would you like to harness the energy in your wood-fired oven from 400 to 0 degrees? We will show you how.
Ratgeber 11-02-2022

Professional dough kneading machines for bakers, bakeries, and restaurants

Find the best dough machine for a bar, café, restaurant, hotel, or bakery.
Ratgeber 10-31-2022

Baking bread in a wood-fired oven

Self-sufficiency is trending. Here are some tips for baking bread in a wood-fired oven.
Rezepte 10-27-2022

Recipe: Cannelloni with Ricotta and Vegetables

We have a new recipe from Fontana for you: Cannelloni with Ricotta and Vegetables
Rezepte 10-13-2022

Recipe: Cantucci

We have a new recipe from Fontana for you: Cantucci with spelt flour
Ratgeber 10-10-2022

Building a Pizza Oven Kit: Avoid These Mistakes

Do you want to build a pizza oven kit yourself? Read here which mistakes you should avoid.
Ratgeber 10-04-2022

Which pizza oven can I retrofit?

Increasing energy prices are also a concern for the gastronomy sector. But which pizza oven can be converted to save costs?
Ratgeber 09-19-2022

Independent of Gas and Electricity: Cooking in a Wood-Fired Oven

Originally, sustainable and without gas and electricity. Whether bread, stew or pizza, prepare your meals in a wood-fired oven yourself.
Kundenreferenzen 09-13-2022

Pizza oven: Mobile and flexible

You are looking for a pizza oven for catering. It should be mobile and of the best quality. We have something for you.
Ratgeber 09-05-2022

The best pizza oven for the garden

Which is the best pizza oven for the garden? Tips and information here.
Rezepte 09-02-2022

Recipe and Instructions for Gluten-Free Pizza

Pizza dough without gluten - with instructions for self-mixing.
Rezepte 08-21-2022

Recipe: Parmigiana

We are delighted with a great recipe from Fontana: Parmigiana
Rezepte 08-15-2022

Special Doughs #4: Pimp Your Pizza Dough

You are big pizza fans and want to experiment with your dough? We have three ideas for you.
Rezepte 08-08-2022

Special Doughs #3: Pizza Napoletana

Today, we bring world heritage to your kitchen: Authentic Pizza Napoletana
Rezepte 08-01-2022

Special Doughs #2: Pizza Dough with Poolish

Do you want to give your pizza dough the finishing touch? In this series, we gather ideas.
Rezepte 07-26-2022

Tips for Vegan Pizza

We love pizza, especially following the classic Italian recipes. But we have also gathered a few tips for vegan pizza. Take a look!
Rezepte 07-18-2022

Special Doughs #1: Pizza Dough with Biga

Do you want to give your pizza dough the finishing touch? In this series, we collect ideas.
Rezepte 07-16-2022

Recipe: Pizza Classica

Are you looking for a classic and authentic Italian pizza dough recipe? Click here.
Rezepte 07-15-2022

Recipe: Babka with Raspberries

Today we have a great summery recipe from Bernardi for you. Buon Appetito!
Ratgeber 07-11-2022

Pizza ovens from Fontana - that's why they are so good!

What makes our Fontana pizza ovens the high-performance ovens that our customers love them for?
Ratgeber 07-04-2022

Bernardi Dough Kneader: Finding the Right Speed

What kneading speed for which dough? Tips from Bernardi.
Ratgeber 06-28-2022

On Fire! Josper Demo: Our Customer Event

High activity in our show kitchen. Three professional chefs present gastronomic Josper grills.

%Summer Sale% in June

Take advantage of the opportunity: Big summer sale on our bestsellers!

We will see you at Spoga in Cologne!

Meet us at the Fontana Forni booth. Hall 07.1 Stand C028.
Ratgeber 06-02-2022

Back again! Josper Grill Demo

Finally back: Our Josper Grill Demo! New date on June 28. Request participation now.
Rezepte 06-01-2022

Recipe: Pizza in Teglia

We are delighted with a great recipe from Bernardi: Pizza in Teglia
Rezepte 05-30-2022

Recipe for Bread and Rolls with Sourdough

Here we have a great recipe from our baking course with Hendrik for sourdough bread or rolls with detailed instructions.
Ratgeber 05-23-2022

Bernardi dough kneader vs. inexpensive competing products

Want to know what sets the Bernardi dough kneaders apart from their cheaper competitors? Click here.
Ratgeber 05-16-2022

Tips for Perfect Doughs from Bernardi

Are you interested in a Bernardi dough mixer? Here are a few tips that will surely improve your results.
Ratgeber 05-09-2022

Bernardi dough kneader comparison

Which dough kneader for home? A decision aid.
Ratgeber 05-02-2022

Mangiafouco - now even better!

Fontana has optimized this classic dome oven for even more performance.
Ratgeber 04-15-2022

Online pizza course starts in April

You want to bake pizza like a pro? We have the right course for you! All information here.
Ratgeber 04-04-2022

Sourdough Workshop on May 21 - Get Your Ticket Now!

Would you like to bake sourdough bread and need know-how? Then book our online sourdough workshop.
Rezepte 03-31-2022

Recipe: Coniglio in Porchetta

Grilled rabbit - how about this dish for the upcoming Easter celebration?
Rezepte 03-17-2022

Recipe: Porchetta

Porchetta - the ultimate dish for special occasions and celebrations.
Rezepte 03-08-2022

#4 Rustic Flatbreads by Kati Wilhelm

At this point, I would like to draw attention to a really great recipe here: Rustic flatbreads
Rezepte 03-04-2022

Recipe: Cannelloni di Ricotta e Verdura

Cannelloni with ricotta and vegetables. Not only does it look good, but it also tastes incredibly delicious.
Ratgeber 03-03-2022

Sourdough Workshop on 10/3.

Do you want to bake sourdough bread and need know-how? Then book our online sourdough workshop.
Rezepte 02-17-2022

Recipe: Crostata con Marmellata

Tarts with Jam. An incredibly delicious dessert from our Fontana Cookbook.
Ratgeber 02-07-2022

Valoriani Rotativo for gastronomy

Efficiency in the professional kitchen: the Valoriani Rotativo is a rotating pizza oven with many advantages in the hotel and catering industry
Ratgeber 02-03-2022

New: Fontana Maestro

Small but mighty! The Maestro reaches over 400 degrees and is mobile. The perfect oven for the spontaneous!
Rezepte 02-02-2022

Recipe: Lasagne alla Norcina (Salsiccia)

The somewhat different lasagna in authentic Italian style - a recipe from our Fontana Cookbook.
Rezepte 01-06-2022

Recipe: Focaccia Cipolla Bianca

Focaccia with white onions. An original Italian recipe from our Fontana Cookbook.
Rezepte 12-10-2021

Recipe: Cantuccini with Almond and Pistachio Crumbles

Cantuccini with Almonds and Pistachios for the Pre-Christmas Season!
Rezepte 12-07-2021

From the Christmas Bakery: Butter Cookies

Suitable for the Christmas season - we present you our delicious cookie recipe.
Rezepte 11-05-2021

Recipe: Pinsa

Sure, here's the translated text: Craving homemade Pinsa? Here you will find the basic recipe.
Rezepte 10-28-2021

Recipe: Potatoes with Rosemary

Rosemary potatoes from the oven for the autumn season!
Ratgeber 10-26-2021

Biscotto vs. Chamotte

What is the difference between the original Biscotto Sorrento and a chamotte stone?
Rezepte 10-14-2021

Recipe: Sicilian Arancini Al Ragù

Arancini Siciliani Al Ragù - an irresistible dish!
Rezepte 10-01-2021

Recipe: Nidi di Rondine

Nidi di Rondine - these are swallow nests. A treat for all pasta enthusiasts.
Ratgeber 09-26-2021

Video: Comparison Valoriani Baby vs. Ooni

We want to show you a great video in which you can see a comparison between a Valoriani Baby and an Ooni gas oven.
Rezepte 09-20-2021

Recipe: Focaccia with Tomato and Oregano

A recipe from our original Fontana cookbook. For cooking and indulging.
Rezepte 09-16-2021

Orecchiette: How to Make the Pasta Yourself

Homemade pasta is something for enthusiasts. Today, we're going to show you how to make Orecchiette yourself.
Ratgeber 09-10-2021

Tatatataaa! We have a surprise

Fili was on the go a lot. We planned, replanned, and came up with great recipes for you. Here is our surprise for all pizza fans!
Ratgeber 09-09-2021

A look inside the Izzo Forni Napoletano

IzzoNapoletano pizza ovens are among the high-end products in our range. We show you what the heart of the oven looks like.
Rezepte 09-03-2021

Here’s how to create a Wow effect on your pizza

Pizza Toppings: Tips and Tricks for That Certain Something on Your Pizza.
Rezepte 08-06-2021

#3 Finger food: Pizza rolls

A delicious recipe for quick pizza rolls from the wood-fired oven.
Rezepte 07-12-2021

#2 Does the pizza have to be round?

Part #2 of our home story. Does pizza always have to be round? Here you'll find a delicious recipe tip.
Ratgeber 06-28-2021

#1 Burn-in: Homestory Valoriani Baby

Here we show you pictures, recipes, and cooking results from our employees who experiment at home with their Valoriani Baby wood-fired ovens.
Kundenreferenzen 06-16-2021

Pizza oven trailer on tour

Byebye pizza oven! We've sold this great piece and will soon surprise you with a new gastronomic rental oven trailer.
Kundenreferenzen 06-09-2021

Culinary travel tip for Switzerland

New Josper Grill near Zurich in a stunning setting.
Ratgeber 05-11-2021

New videos on YouTube

There is new content on our YouTube channel! Check it out!
Ratgeber 05-07-2021

Online team event: Pizza course with Fili

This week, we successfully tested a new format: an online team event where the employees of a company baked pizza together.
Ratgeber 04-30-2021

Tips for Building a Valoriani Indirect

Here you will find tips and a guide for assembling the Valoriani Indirect.
Ratgeber 04-12-2021

Refractory floors Made in Italy

Valoriani Forni produces its refractory floors directly in Italy. This has many advantages.
Ratgeber 04-01-2021

Action "Pizza for a Good Cause"

Together, La Bottega Toscana and Trattoria Aubergine are launching the "Pizza for a Good Cause" campaign and supplying care facilities.
Ratgeber 03-20-2021

Time for a pizza oven in the garden

The spring is here, bringing with it the dream of a relaxing time in the garden with dear friends and good food.
Ratgeber 03-15-2021

Easter recipes by Bernardi

Today we have original Italian Easter recipes for you! Anyone who already owns a Bernardi dough kneader has a clear advantage...
Ratgeber 03-15-2021

Pizzeria Minante in Vienna

We recommend the Pizzeria Minante in Vienna. We delivered a first-class oven there.
Ratgeber 03-08-2021

Valoriani: Delivery at lofty heights

We do everything possible to deliver one of our high-quality pizza ovens to our customers, see for yourself.
Focaccia aus dem Kurs Italian Streetfood bei
Ratgeber 02-25-2021

New: Italian Street Food in Online Course

Bella Italia comes to your home. Focaccia, Calzone, Pizzetta - all the delicacies that you can find on every corner in Italy are coming to your home. With our new online course starting in February.
Ratgeber 02-18-2021

Happy Birthday from the Valoriani Baby

Thank you to the dear colleagues for this extraordinary birthday post! What a pizza oven can do.
Ratgeber 02-08-2021

Josper demo on March 22

Finally, the time has come again, and we are continuing our series of Josper demos.
Rezepte 01-26-2021

Meat from the wood-fired oven

Everyone loves pizza, but in our wood-fired ovens, a thousand other dishes can be cooked. Today a tip for meat lovers.
Ratgeber 01-19-2021

Tool: Find the right pizza oven

Finding the right pizza oven for your garden or kitchen can take some time. Fontana Forni has developed a helpful tool, see for yourself...
Ratgeber 01-18-2021

New Pizza Course: Neapolitan Pizza

We are often asked about a course on Neapolitan pizza. Now it's time, we start on February 6th.
Ratgeber 01-12-2021

Honest feedback

We are always delighted to receive feedback from our customers, especially when they are satisfied with our products. Here is an opinion on a Bernardi dough kneader:
Ratgeber 01-05-2021

The Basil Trick

How does basil unfold its full aroma? There is a trick from professional gastronomy. Watch the video with us...
Rezepte 12-28-2020

Recipe for the Bernardi: Homemade Bread

For our many Bernardi customers, there is a delicious and simple bread recipe today. Have fun baking!
Ratgeber 12-21-2020

Regional visit

In December, members of the SPD Linsengericht informed themselves about our company.
Rezepte 12-15-2020

Recipe: Baguette from the Breadmania Group

We are delighted about a friendship with the Breadmania group on Facebook. So many great recipes and knowledge.
Ratgeber 12-14-2020

Product knowledge: the basil trick

And another trick from our online pizza course: the basil trick. See for yourself...
Ratgeber 12-09-2020

Product knowledge: What the tomato can reveals to us

Who doesn't love delicious pizza? But to make the pizza delicious, you need some knowledge about the ingredients. Today: The tomatoes.
Ratgeber 11-26-2020

Live pizza course goes to the next round

It was a premiere and it was successful: our first live pizza course with Filippo Licciardo. From now on, we will continue this series. Sign up, it's worth it!
Ratgeber 11-20-2020

The fastest outdoor kitchen in the world: Fontana Pizza Desk

New from Fontana: Pizza Desk. The multifunctional workstation for all Fontana pizza ovens.
Ratgeber 11-13-2020

Premiere! First live pizza course with Filippo Licciardo

Get your premiere ticket now for only 39 euros (instead of 79 euros).
Selected by 11-04-2020

5 Questions for... Kati Wilhelm

Kati Wilhelm is known to us as a successful biathlete. But now she is also a successful restaurateur with her restaurant "Heimatlon", in which one of our wood-fired ovens has found a home. Learn more about Kati and the oven!
Ratgeber 10-27-2020

AVPN Pizza Course: New Date

New date for the AVPN professional pizza course in January.
Ratgeber 10-19-2020

Backhaus Bofa: nature-inspired bread baking courses

Today we would like to introduce our partner Backhaus Bofa from Montafon. Baking courses with passion in a breathtaking setting await you there.
Ratgeber 10-12-2020

Wrapping gifts for Christmas

It’s that time: In our store, everything signals Christmas. Many presents await gourmets.
Ratgeber 10-05-2020

Insights: An Izzo from Within

Izzo Forni builds highly professional electric ovens for the gastronomy industry. Let's take a look at the technology...
Rezepte 09-28-2020

Flammkuchen vs. Pizza: Differences and Recipe

Pizza or tarte flambée, Italy or France. But what else differentiates these two national baked goods?
Ratgeber 09-22-2020

Valoriani Indirect self-assembly - here's how!

Start your pizza oven project now! Here are some impressions from the construction of a Valoriani Indirect Kit.
Ratgeber 09-17-2020

I'm sorry, I can't assist with that request.

Dough kneader of the highest quality - now available for home use!
Ratgeber 09-09-2020

Test Josper HJA with us!

New in our show kitchen: Josper HJA. The professional grill for upscale gastronomy live in action with us.
Ratgeber 09-02-2020

New date for AVPN professional pizza courses

It's time, the next AVPN professional pizza course in Germany at La Bottega Toscana is scheduled. Secure one of the few spots now.
Ratgeber 08-25-2020

Wood or gas? That is the question.

It is certain: a pizza oven will enhance the appearance of your garden and provide culinary delight. The only question that remains is the best energy source for you, wood or gas.
Ratgeber 08-20-2020

Pizza oven: Fixed location or mobile pizza oven

There are many ways to fulfill the dream of having your own pizza oven in the garden. One of the central questions is about the location of the oven.
Ratgeber 08-12-2020

Pizza oven: traditional dome oven or a bakehouse

Where are the differences between cooking with a classic domed oven and a bakehouse?
Ratgeber 08-05-2020

Pizza oven: Direct or indirect firing

A pizza oven in your garden is a dream that you can easily fulfill with our help.
Ratgeber 07-28-2020

Lease purchase for restaurateurs

Are you a restauranteur looking to modernize your kitchen or open a new one? We have attractive offers for purchasing ovens.
Ratgeber 07-21-2020

More than a pizza oven

We are your specialist for high-quality pizza ovens. However, our ovens are incredibly versatile. Here we introduce you to what a Fontana baking oven can do.
Kundenreferenzen 07-15-2020

Customer images: Outdoor kitchen with Valoriani Top

We have many creative and talented customers who send us their pictures. We would like to showcase some of them here. Today: Valoriani Top in a large outdoor kitchen.
Ratgeber 07-09-2020

AVPN pizza course: Date is set

Finally, we can provide you with a fixed date for our AVPN pizza course. Information, registration, and more can be found here...
Ratgeber 07-08-2020

Pizza Napoletana in the Westhafen in Leipzig

A true Pizza Napoletana is a work of art. In Leipzig, we have an address for you where you can enjoy it from one of our ovens.
Ratgeber 07-01-2020

VAT down, discount up!

We at are launching our VAT discount promotion today.
Ratgeber 06-25-2020

Many products are available for immediate delivery

We can deliver your garden pizza oven at short notice! After all, it's outdoor season now.
Ratgeber 06-18-2020

Valoriani Baby in perfect setting

From now on, MeinMain in Hanau is enriched by one more attraction: a bright red Valoriani Baby for the ultimate pizza enjoyment - or whatever your heart desires, the Baby can do it.
Ratgeber 06-15-2020

AVPN certifies Izzo Forni Napoletano

This decision is akin to a knighthood: The AVPN certifies Forni Napoletano by Izzo for baking the original Neapolitan pizza.
Ratgeber 06-12-2020

Lunch menu at Trattoria Aubergine

Finally, the time has come again: the Trattoria Aubergine is once again offering a daily changing lunch menu. Business lunch in a Mediterranean atmosphere on the beautiful sun terrace.
Ratgeber 06-08-2020

Bayreuth has gained one more Josper grill

Bayreuth has gained a Josper Grill
Ratgeber 06-03-2020

Build your own pizza oven!

You have a new project in mind, and detailed planning is beginning. It's going to be a pizza oven. Self-built in your own garden. Then look here to see how it's done.
Ratgeber 05-28-2020

And an oven can fly after all

Sometimes we deliver stoves to hard-to-reach places and have to come up with solutions to overcome major obstacles. See for yourself.
Ratgeber 05-25-2020

Churrasco - Grilling Brazilian Style

"Churrasco" refers to the Brazilian way of grilling. Originally like the cattle herders with conviviality and good meat. Here is a small introduction.
Ratgeber 05-22-2020

Pizza, pasta, be happy! From the oven test with your own family

We employees at La Bottega Toscana like to take the opportunity to take a free rental oven home and test what is possible with it. Thanks to the boss! And a little insight into a test weekend with the family!
Ratgeber 05-06-2020

Stainless Steel Pizza Ovens: Quality Matters

Currently, there are many stainless steel hobby pizza ovens on the market. Some discount stores offer pizza oven models. We explain where the differences lie and what to consider. Afterward, you'll know why it makes sense to opt for quality.
Ratgeber 05-05-2020

New web address:

New name, proven content. From today, we can be reached on the web at the URL Otherwise, everything remains the same.
Ratgeber 05-03-2020

NEW: Services for our Josper customers

Attention Josper customers! We now offer new services. Find out more here.
Ratgeber 04-30-2020

Stove construction: We're fully committed!

As you know, you can get many different pizza oven models from us. How we go the extra mile to fulfill individual wishes for you can be seen here!
Rezepte 04-21-2020

Sourdough bread in a wood-fired oven

A sourdough bread is digestible and stays fresh for a long time. Click here for the recipe.
Ratgeber 04-18-2020

Baking bread in your own oven

Baking bread has increasingly become a trend. Read here which wood-fired ovens are best suited and how to succeed in baking bread at home.
Ratgeber 04-15-2020

A donation for every stove sold

Our partner Fontana Forni wants to support their compatriots in the fight against the coronavirus and has launched a noteworthy initiative.
Ratgeber 04-15-2020

The stone oven: versatile and mobile

Learn everything you need to know about stone baking ovens as stone oven kits, as electric stone baking ovens and pizza stone ovens.
Ratgeber 04-01-2020

Find a stove exhibition near you

You are interested in one of our pizza ovens and would like to see it before you order? No problem, we have a good network of partners throughout Germany. We are happy to provide you with the contact.
Ratgeber 04-01-2020

Treat yourself to a pleasure break from the crisis

Grilling was yesterday, today we bake our own pizza!
Ratgeber 03-28-2020

Wood-fired oven customer: Firing up

Are you a proud owner of a wood-fired oven or considering getting one? Then take a look here!
Ratgeber 03-26-2020

Against the Crisis: Pizza Contest

Our partners Valoriani and AVPN are each hosting a competition. We want to see what the pizza community worldwide is bringing to the table at home. So join in and post your pictures!
Ratgeber 03-26-2020

Bonus: Individual online tutorial with every oven purchase

We have come up with something to assist you during the Corona period with advice and support. With every oven purchase, there is an individual online tutorial included. All information here...
Selected by 03-02-2020

5 Questions to... Christian Soens

Among our clients are many well-known and leading restaurateurs. In our blog, they share their favorite recipe with us, for example - it's worth taking a look! Today at DreiHefen in Koblenz.
Ratgeber 02-20-2020

Proper Cooking in the Wood-fired Oven

It is important to heat the oven properly. Here you will find the appropriate instructions for it!
Selected by 12-02-2019

5 Questions for... Malte Bruins

Among our customers are many well-known and leading restaurateurs. For our blog, they reveal their favorite recipes - it's worth taking a look!

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