Products of Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana (AVPN)

AVPN - Guardian of the Vera Pizza Napoletana
The Assoziacione Vera Pizza Napoletana is the guardian of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Pizza Napoletana. The aim and mission of the AVPN is to protect and preserve the original recipe, the quality and the distribution of the Vera Pizza Napoletana.
Vera Pizza Napoletana - the seal of quality
The Vera Pizza Napoletana trademark is internationally registered by the Verace Pizza Napoletana Association, and certifies that the pizzeria that displays it produces a product that meets the international AVPN specifications for the production of this outstanding Neapolitan gastronomic tradition.
AVPN pizza courses
The AVPN offers pizza courses worldwide for professionals, chefs, restaurateurs interested in making the real Pizza Napoletana. The classic course for becoming an AVPN member is the admission-restricted five-day pizza course, but there are also numerous offshoots such as two-day master classes and now also one-day courses for amateur chefs. The aim is always to teach how to prepare the Pizza Napoletana according to the original recipe with the original ingredients
Only selected suppliers
The Register of Approved Suppliers of 'Vera Pizza Napoletana', promoted and maintained by the 'Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana' (AVPN), is a tool available to the pizzerias affiliated to the Association for the procurement of products, foodstuffs and non-food products related to the 'Vera Pizza Napoletana' production chain. The "Vera Pizza Napoletana" international quality label certifies that the product bearing it is suitable for the production of "Vera Pizza Napoletana", having passed the checks provided for in the implementing rules of the suppliers' register and the tests provided for by the University Federico II in Naples.