Pizza oven and wood oven insulation Valoriani ceramic fiber
- Biosoluble ceramic fibre
- Heat resistant up to 1300 degrees
- Perfect insulation for wood and stone ovens
save 5%Valoriani ceramic fiber wool
High quality biosoluble ceramic fiber Insulfrax on rolls (7,32m/0,61m)
Total quantity per roll approx. 4.46 QM in 64 density and 25mm thickness this lays directly double-layered on the dome as the first insulation layer.
Heat resistant up to 1300 degrees. This ceramic fiber is perfect to ensure long service life for wood-burning stone ovens, because of the perfect heat insulation, slow cooling of the dome parts.
For the dome, it is important that the material cools down as slowly as possible, otherwise stresses occur and lead to cracking.
The material is suitable for continuous operation and has the advantage that even through moisture and extreme temperature differences it does not lose its insulating properties after a few years as, for example, simple rock wool.
Furthermore, a space saving is given due to only half the thickness as rock wool or fiberglass with the same insulation.
Required and recommended quantity with additional 2nd Vermucilite backfill:
80cm to 120cm inner diameter of the dome = 1 roll approx. 4,46qm
from 125cm to 140cm inner diameter = 2 rolls
In case of direct plastering on the ceramic fiber with the help of a wire mesh, it is recommended to double the above mentioned quantity (in case of round dome - penultimate picture on the attachment) Price is for complete roll 4,46 sqm of ceramic fiber.
User information
- The health, safety, and environmental properties of the product, including potential health hazards, handling precautions, and emergency procedures are described in a Material Safety Data Sheet.
Read this data sheet carefully before handling, storing or using the product.
LA BOTTEGA TOSCANA, Jens Hofacker e.K., Gewerbepark Birkenhain 2, 63589 Linsengericht, Deutschland, E-Mail: info@labottegatoscana.deLogin
3 reviews
23 October 2024 19:32
Optimale Hitzeisolierung für perfektes Backen!
Diese hochwertige Keramikfaserisolierung für Pizzaöfen beeindruckt mit ihrer effektiven Hitzeisolierung und verbessert das Backerlebnis merklich. Schnell geliefert und sicher verpackt, hält sie die Wärme perfekt, was die Qualität Ihrer Backwaren spürbar steigert. Ein wirklich lohnendes Upgrade für passionierte Backbegeisterte!
29 August 2019 15:01
Isolation für den Holzbackofen
Perfekte Isolation für unseren Outdoorofen !
21 November 2018 15:51
Haben meinen alten Pizzaofen zusätzlich isoliert und eine sehr gute isolation erhalten !