Bakehouse Fontana People, wood oven, 80x45cm | PEOPLEINC
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Fontana People - new look, proven function 

Fontana offers with the new baking house People a wood baking oven in proven function and new optics. And this at an unbeatable price. The People's minimalist design makes it an eye-catcher in any garden, on any terrace or in any outdoor kitchen. Its cooking space with a size of 80 x 45cm is ideal for the hobby cook. 
The People is wood-fired and its ventilation system "Clever" makes it possible to bake on all three levels in parallel. The interior lighting allows permanent monitoring of the cooking phases.
The People contains several innovations from Fontana. First of all, the bottom of the stove with its fireclay plates has been redesigned to ensure a shorter heating phase and better circulation of the air. This saves wood and time. The ventilation system in the baking chamber has been revolutionised to ensure even heat. All these changes not only result in savings for the customer in terms of wood and time, but also in savings in production, giving the People an unbeatable price.
The door frame is made of stainless steel, making it high quality and durable for outdoor use. An easy-to-use smoke control valve is beautifully installed. Also included is The temperature display. 

The advantages:

  • indirect firing 
  • several cooking levels 
  • with thermometer


  • chrome plated grids 
  • long baking pan 
  • fire hook 
  • chimney cover 
  • thermometer


Cooking chamber: 80/45
Diameter chimney pipe (in mm): 140
Firing: Wood
Inner dimension height (in cm): 40
Inner dimension length (in cm): 80
Inner dimension width (in cm): 45



Fontano Forni s.r.l., via G. di Vittorio 6-8, San Lorenzo in Campo (PU) 61047, Italien, E-Mail:


Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars






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3 reviews

18 November 2024 10:58

Review with rating of 4.87 out of 5 stars

Gourmet-Erlebnis für Gartenenthusiasten

Dieser Einbauofen von Fontana hat unseren Garten in eine Gourmet-Oase verwandelt. Die Vorfreude begann bereits bei der zügigen Lieferung und dem sicheren Verpacken. Der Service war erstklassig – eine echte Empfehlung für alle, die echtes Backvergnügen suchen! Ein Must-Have für leidenschaftliche Küchenliebhaber.

20 September 2024 22:38

Review with rating of 4.83 out of 5 stars

Perfekter Genuss mit traditionellem Charme

Der elegante Fontana Einbauofen bietet perfekten Genuss mit authentischem Holzofen-Aroma. Der Kundenservice berät freundlich und der Versand verläuft reibungslos. Die sorgfältige Verpackung garantiert unbeschadete Lieferung. Ideal für Liebhaber traditioneller Backkunst, die einen modernen Touch schätzen.

13 January 2023 13:43

Review with rating of 4.76 out of 5 stars

Perfekte Wahl für leidenschaftliche Hobbybäcker.

Der Fontana-Einbaubackofen besticht durch seine hochwertige Verarbeitung und sorgt für authentische Holzofenerlebnisse in der eigenen Küche. Die Lieferung war zuverlässig und die Beratung kompetent. Seine schlichte Eleganz und das perfekte Backergebnis machen ihn zur idealen Wahl für passionierte Hobbybäcker.

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